The platform unifies societies and scientific bodies that are active in the field of geoscience. It acts as an interface between the various academic disciplines of geosciences as well as between research, practice, administration, politics and the public.more

Image: NASAmore

Swiss Panel Global Cooperation 2023

Attitudes Towards Global Cooperation – A Three-Year Perspective

Global conflict and economic uncertainty have not dampened the Swiss public‘s concern and engagement on global poverty issues. The Swiss population has strong opinions on how funding for development cooperation should be spent.

Umfrage 2023

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IZA Schweiz

Internationale Zusammenarbeit der Schweiz stärken

Dieses Jahr bestimmt die Schweiz die Ausrichtung ihrer internationalen Zusammenarbeit (IZA) bis 2028. Diese soll solidarisch mit den Partnerländern lokalen Bedürfnissen Rechnung tragen. Eingebettet in den globalen Referenzrahmen der Agenda

Image: Peter Klaunzer / Keystone
