Die Plattform vereint Fachgesellschaften und Fachgremien, die sich den Teilbereichen der Geowissenschaften widmen. Sie bildet die Schnittstelle zwischen den geowissenschaftlichen Fachgebieten sowie zwischen Forschung, Praxis, Verwaltung, Politik und Öffentlichkeit.mehr

Bild: NASAmehr

Abstract volume Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2019, Fribourg

Geoscience goes underground: understanding resources & processes

Abstract Volume SGM2019 Cover
  1. Structural Geology, Tectonics and Geodynamics
  2. Mineralogy, Petrology, Geochemistry
  3. Stable isotope geochemistry: development and applications
  4. Palaeontology
  5. Stratigraphy
  6. Seismic Hazard and Risk in Switzerland: From Science to Mitigation
  7. Deep geothermal energy and CO2 storage
  8. Quaternary environments: landscapes, climate, ecosystems and human activity during the past 2.6 million years
  9. Geomorphology
  10. Soil: Formation, Processes, and Conservation
  11. Cryospheric Sciences
  12. Hydrology, Limnology and Hydrogeology
  13. Public Engagement with Climate Change: Interdisciplinary Challenges
  14. Environmental Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements
  15. Atmospheric Processes and Interactions with the Biosphere
  16. Phenology and seasonality
  17. Aerosols and clouds in a changing world
  18. Remote Sensing of the Spheres
  19. Geoscience and Geoinformation – From data acquisition to modelling and visualisation
  20. Taking stock of transformative research and education on mountains. What future avenues?
  21. Human Geographies: Bodies, Cultures, Societies
  22. Human Geographies: Cities, Regions, Economies
  23. Human Geographies: Materials, Natures, Politics
  24. The limits to Earth: thinking social-ecological transitions in a post-extractive economy
  25. Towards the sustainable management and governance of land resources and land systems

Autoren: Dr. Pierre Dèzes
Seitenangabe: 598


  • Biogeochemische Kreisläufe
  • Fernerkundung
  • Geochemie
  • Geodäsie
  • Geographie
  • Geologie
  • Geomorphologie
  • Geophysik
  • Geosphäre
  • Geotechnik
  • Geothermie
  • Geowissenschaften
  • Hydrogeologie
  • Hydrologie
  • Hydrologie, Limnologie, Glaziologie