KlarText-Preis für Wissenschaftskommunikation - bis 28. Februar bewerben!
Noch bis zum 28. Februar 2024 können Promovierte aus den Bereichen Biologie, Chemie, Geowissenschaften, Informatik, Mathematik, Neurowissenschaften und Physik ihre Beiträge für den KlarText-Preis 2024 einreichen. Ebenfalls willkommen sind Bewerbungen von interdisziplinär Forschenden, die ihr Thema einem der sieben Bereiche zuordnen können.
CALL: scientific expertise for UN policy making (deadline: 29.02.2024)
This call of the International Science Council (ISC) is addressed to scientists who are interested in shaping UN policy making, e.g. as contributors to statements on behalf of the international scientific community, to virtual and in-person panels for policy-making audiences or as speakers in high-level debates.
International Geodiversity Day: October 6th
It is with great happiness that we write to inform you that International Geodiversity Day was established this by the 41st session of the UNESCO General Conference! From now on, the 6th of October will be an annual worldwide celebration, raising awareness across society about the importance of non-living nature for the well-being and prosperity of all living beings on the planet!
Image: International Geodiversity Day emblem, by Silas Samuel do Santos Costa