La piattaforma unisce le società specifiche e organi scientifici che si dedicano ai diversi settori delle scienze della terra. Funge da punto di contatto tra i diversi campi specifici delle scienze della terra nonché tra ricerca, pratica, amministrazione, politica e pubblico.di più

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Equitable Partnerships Resource Hub

UKCDR and ESSENCE launched a new Equitable Partnerships Resource Hub, which brings together guidance, tools and principles on equitable partnerships from across the world.

Equitable Partnerships Resource Hub

The hub aims to support all those involved in the research process to develop or embed policies and practices which support equity in international research partnerships – with a focus on research partnerships between those in the Global North and Global South.

Check out the new Equitable Partnerships Resource Hub.

Read more about the need for equity to achieve research and development impact in the blog: “No impact without equity” by Sheila Mburu, Laura Scott, Marta Tufet and Garry Aslanyan.
