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DACH 2025

Luogo della manifestazione

University of Bern

The DACH conference aims to bring together acadamics and professionals from industry and administration and from all fields of weather and climate.

DACH 2025 Logo

The DACH conference, held every three years, is a joint initiative of the German (DMG), Austrian (ÖGM), and Swiss (SGM) Societies for Meteorology. The 2025 edition will be hosted by the Oeschger Centre at the University of Bern, taking place from 23 to 28 June 2025 on the University of Bern campus.

The official language of the conference will be English, ensuring accessibility for an international audience. The program will feature 17 scientific sessions, covering a diverse range of topics in meteorology and climatology and related fields. In addition to the scientific sessions, participants can look forward to organized excursions, a welcoming icebreaker event, and a conference dinner, providing ample opportunities for networking and collaboration.


You can now register and submit your abstracts through the official conference website: SGM members will benefit from a reduced conference fee.


  • Meteorologia
Lingue: Inglese