La plateforme regroupe les sociétés et les organes scientifiques liés aux géosciences. Cette plateforme constitue une interface de dialogue entre les différentes disciplines des géosciences, ainsi qu'entre la recherche, la pratique, les administrations, la politique et le public.en plus

Image : NASAen plus

Open Access in the Geosciences


12:30 - 18:30

Lieu de l'événement

UniS, Schanzeneckstrasse 1, 3012 Bern, room A003

Lieu de rendez-vous


This conference about Open Access in the Geosciences provides a platform for discussion about the current state, the issues we are facing, and potential pathways to go forward in the Open Access jungle.

Open Access in Geosciences

Open Access is not only a necessity for the funding of projects and publications, but also forms the foundation for science to be transparent, inclusive, and democratic. At this conference, promising initiatives by researchers in the geosciences will be highlighted, we will discuss which mechanisms in the OA landscape contribute to prevailing global inequalities, and we will explore how community-driven projects can improve access to publication opportunities and help the geosciences break free from existing dependencies.

Plakat Open Access in Geosciences
Plakat Open Access in GeosciencesImage : Universitätsbibliothek Bern UB


  • Géographie
  • Géosciences
the conference is free of charge. It is aimed at researchers and people working in academia. The speakers are from the fields of geography, geology and sustainable development
Langues : Anglais